Halloween is here, and what are you up to? Halloween is a festival where people wear costumes to ward ghosts off. Citizens can dress up as witches or bake cakes in the shape of witchy items like a stick or a pumpkin and eventually pull a prank on other citizens. Here are a few ‘witchcraft’ captions that shall be helpful for your social media posts! Select your favorite, and do not forget to tag us!
Halloween Witchcraft Captions for Instagram
Calling all witches and bitches this Halloween to scare ghosts away! #scarethemaway
Witches! This is the time of the year for you to shine and practice! #shineandpractice
Better be a good witch. Don’t scare people away. #betterbe
Which kind of witch are you gonna be this year? #awickedone
Got me this witchy hat! #witchyhat
I am the wicked witch of the west! #wickedwitchofthewest
We are the three wicked witches, all dressed up on Halloween!#threewickedwitches
We ain’t the weird sisters; we are the witch sisters! #witchaintweird
Did you put on a spell on me? Because I am constantly attracted to you today. #punchline
Do not cast a spell on me! Or maybe you can and then see it turn real! #rightbackatyou
Trick or treats? Witches shall always choose tricks! #tricksalways
What are the different kinds of tricks that you know? #staresinadvertently
Taught my little nephew a few witchy tricks for Halloween! #witchytricks
Nobody’s a basic witch. #basicwitch
What are you upto, mama witch? #mamawitch
When we bitch all year, we get to dress up as bad witches! #badwitches
Can I drink a beer if I wear a witchy costume? #whyshouldntyou
My little kid asked me if her mom was a real witch! #haha
We dressed up as little witches from the west! #witchesfromthewest
Do you know any magic? #ofcourseido
Double trouble with my witchy costume. #doubletrouble
Witches are never up to any good. Specially on Halloween. #specifically
What is it that you are brewing on your pot, witch? #brewingbeer
Do you have any witchy items that can be used as props? #haveallofthem
My props have gone missing. I thought I was the witch. #ithought
Solemnly casted a spell that shall make everyone’s Halloween special. #kindwitch
Kind witches do exist, then. #iamyettoseethem
Dressed up as a witch only to scare my boyfriend away! #heisalwaysscared
Be a good witch. #amentothat
Who said witchcraft is a bad thing? #nobodydid
Trying to learn witchcraft to cast spells on those who do not abide by me! PS: Will they become true? #theywillbetrue
Imagine a true witch walking among a crowd of dressed up witches! #surreal
Are magic and witchcraft the same thing? #brainisbuffering
It’s a full moon night; I better not spill jokes about witchcraft. #shhh
My four-year-old daughter ran away to the streets after seeing us in witchy costumes! #somebodygetaholdofher
Baked a pumpkin-shaped cake. Get your beers brewing! #bakedandbrewed
With a broom and a lantern, I think I can rock the Halloween look! #whataboutthecostume
I like how people are automatically scared after seeing somebody in a witchy costume. #upgraded
You might wear something witchy, but do not cast bad spells! #donot
In this year of mishaps and wrongdoings, please be an awesome witch! #oxymoron
If I am supposed to be a witch, I shall cure the world of all negativities! #cureitall
I wish to be a powerful witch, and may my wishes come true. #powerful
If you leave me, I shall be reborn as a witch only for you. #rebirth
Witches are magical beings, but all magicians are not witches. #explainationnotmeeded
‘Tis Halloween! You better not be a witch! #realwitch
The sky, moon, and stars have a gala time on Halloween! #theyenjoyourlittleoccasion
Do you think the ghosts laugh at us on Halloween? #iwould
In India, we use real witches to scare people off. #reality
Don’t angry me, or otherwise, I shall put you to boil. #boilhard
Do you have any witchy props? Because I feel like a bitch. #always
Nothing shall be boiled this year. Let’s lessen pollution. #youshouldntbeallowedtospeak
I only want to be a witch to fly! #flyhigh
What a weird dream, where I was reborn as a witch to haunt you. #dreamcometrue
Born wicked but not a witch. #bornwicked
Dressed up as a witch, and none of the colony kids would come and talk to me. #costumegonewrong
Wore a witchy costume, and dogs won’t stop barking at me. #theylovemeotherwise
My little party of witches has taken a wrong turn. #wrongturn
Life is anyway scary. You do not have to dress up like one! #shit
Going so soon? I thought witches don’t sleep. #partyallnight
Was Harry Potter a witch? He still is! #shutup
Funny Halloween Witchcraft Captions
Tried to scare the churchyard visitors, but instead, we ran away as fast as we could. #eventually
Can you make ships fly, and the world goes flat? #ofcourseman
Can you bring back people from the dead? #yesplease
I was at a loss for words when a little child said that she wanted to be a witch too. #wishagoodthing
This Halloween, I wish to be a good thing. #wish
As a witch, I wish for everyone’s dream to come true! #amen
Has the spell begun? Because I feel a pull towards you. #gravitationalpull
Baked all witchy items possible! Why won’t anyone eat them! #gotcha
Hash brownies in the shape of witchy stuff. We are all getting baked! #hasbrownies
For witches, will it be supernatural? Or just natural? #foodforthought
Real witches watching the entire drama be like. #realwitches
Being normal is overrated. Better be bewitched. #bewitched
I think we all are witches in some way or another. And even if we are not, we all have magic inside of us! #whatdoyouhave
Double trouble because all witches aren’t any good. #whichoneisbad
Figuring out the bad ones from the crowd, and you think I should count myself in? #ishould
Do I have to think about everything thoroughly if I am to be a witch? Need to think that through too. #processing
Is the weight of the entire world too heavy to maintain? #tooheavyto
I want everything to be turned into money, whatever I touch! #turntomoney
Behold! The witch is here! #behold
I always carry my dog around for Halloween. He is the only one I trust on the day! #trustissues
Besides, dogs feel like real witches. #isit
Where are your witchy decorations? #atethemall
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