120+ Catchy Chicken Captions For All Social Media

The importance of social media captions cannot be ignored primarily because they help to make or break a post.

Looking for captions for your food post on your social media? Tired of making captions for your food posts for your social media? So, look no more! We have got you covered! Here is a list of selectively curated captions that is ready to be served! 

Chicken Captions

Baked chicken for every mood! #allmood

Baked or fried – chicken in any form is my love. #anyform

We should save the chicken first and then our planet. #chickenfirst

Is it selfish to save our chicken first and then our planet? #selflessdeeds

We need to take a chicken or an egg up the Noah’s Ark. #weneedto

Friday nights with baked chicken and beers! #tgif

Thank God it’s Friday! Golden baked chicken days! #golden

Be party-ready with beers and baked chicken! #partyready

Nothing like baked chicken breasts! #nothing

Baked chicken breasts are my favorite! # favorite

Baked chicken is my one true love. #truelove

Baked chicken – as you like it! #asyoulikeit

Order oven-fresh juicy and delicious baked chicken breasts! #ovenfresh

I am not drooling! You are! #dontdrool

Stop drooling over my chicken and start eating! #starteating

Stop drooling. Start eating! #stopandeat

You do not gobble up a whole chicken! You feel it melt, in your mouth. #letitmelt

Feel it melt in your mouth! #melts

We take pictures first and then we start to eat. #picturesfirst

Pictures to show-off! Chicken showing-off. #kinda

Eat, pray, love. #eatpraylove

Julia Roberts loves chicken! #juliarobertstoo

Chicken is the best thing that has ever happened to me! #bestthing

Don’t chicken out at the last moment. We’ll eat you up! #wewill

A stomach full of baked chicken is one happy stomach! #makeyourstomachhappy

Make your stomach happy by filling it with baked chicken! #fillitwithchicken

Eat ‘em up. Deliciously baked and served. #deliciouslyserved

You don’t eat a baked chicken. You dip them in mayo and then lick it! #dipthemfirst

Good food changes your mood! #goodfood

Be bake ready with Betty! #bbb

Betty made baked chicken with butter! #bettydid

My bestie treated me to baked chicken today! #treats

Great treats include everything chicken! #everything

Where do you get our town’s best-baked chicken? #yeswhere

I cook some amazing baked chickens! #amazing

Chickens are more romantic than all of my exes combined! #theysureare

Funny Chicken Captions

Chickens do not ask you to compromise! #alreadycompromised

A chicken has already sacrificed for you! #sacrificed

Life is better with baked chicken in it. #lifeisbetter

Baked chicken tastes better in my imagination than in real life. #imagniations

In your chicken’s only. #inyoureyesonly

I love chickens and I cannot lie about my diet! #neverlie

 I work well only after I had my afternoon lunch with baked chicken! #workwell

Baked chickens are a miracle. #miracle

Baked chicken and turkey are all I need for my thanksgiving brunch! #thanksgiving

Life is sorted with baked chicken. #sorted

Cutlery is the most important thing when you eat baked chicken in a good restaurant. #cutlery

Who wants to be thin when you can eat baked chicken all day? #noone

I can agree to a healthy diet solely consisting of baked chicken! #healthydiet

A healthy diet is one that has chicken as the first ingredient! #firstingredient

Why be a vegan when you can hog on chicken all day? #yeswhy

Vegans haven’t eaten my mom’s chicken. #theyshould

Vegans should try my dad’s home-made baked chicken. You shall never campaign about it. #youwillnevercomplain

When vegans eat my cooked chicken, they shall disagree with their own diet! #agreed

Eat chicken first and then exercise. #hcikenfirst

When in doubt, order some baked chicken! #whenindoubt

After a tiring day’s work, get home and order some baked chicken with fries and mayo dip! #ordered

Nothing like baked chicken and beer while watching Netflix! #specialty

Netflix and baked chicken are my one true beautiful date! #datenight

I am sorry, I do not understand the term ‘diet.’ #sorrynotsorry

Everything you see, you owe it to chicken! #owemylife

I can never eat in a hurry. #whydoyouhaveto

Money can’t buy you happiness, but surely it can buy you as many chicken legs you want! #moneycan

I owe my life to chicken. #oweeverything

I am sorry, I do not understand the term ‘sharing.’ #sharingiscaring

Why share, when you can get your own baked chicken? #getyourown

Get your own baked chicken! Joey doesn’t share food. #joeydoesntsharefood

Be my guest and make me a full baked chicken! #beasweetguest

A guy who cooks you a bowl full of chicken is a man. #bowlfullofchicken

The best partner is the one who greets you with chicken every time you have a bad day! #baddayturnedgood

Chicken always turns a bad day good! #chicken

Marry the man who makes you great chicken! #marryhimplease

Trust your chicken. It has sacrificed itself for your well-being. #sacrificed

I am obsessed with chicken. #obsessed

I am a chicken addict. #chickenaddict

Life without chicken seems dark. #dark

There is no ‘we’ in chicken. #noweinchicken

Like water to your body, chicken is to mine! #likewaterlikechicken

Get your own damn chicken! #getyourowndamnchicken

What do you think you are doing? Get your own chicken! #cantshare

Life is good with chickens in it. #lifeisgood

Don’t be a chicken. Eat one. #eatachicken

Bake some, burn some, eat some. #bakeburneat

Chicken, chicken, and then some more chicken! #chickenoverload

Chicken overloaded! #chickenoverloaded

Eat, drink, sleep, and repeat! #eatdrinksleep

Baked chicken is 10% tastier when you are high. #muchtasty

Be high with baked chicken! #behigh

I get high on baked chicken! #gethigh

Me and my homies hog on chicken all day. #hog

If only every time I received a dollar for every chicken, I eat! #iwouldbeabillionaire

Can’t believe the day when we shall run out of chickens. #weshallnever

Praying so that chickens do not get the flu. #pleasedontgetflu

I shall have my own farm of chickens. #farm

Baked chicken is the secret to a good mood! #goodmood

Festival of chickens! #chcikenfestival

Whatever happens today, eat chicken first. #kyapatakalhonaaho

Start your day with a full stomach! #fullstomach

The best days are the days when I get to eat baked chicken from the nearby restaurant! #bestdays

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