12 Tips How To Use Animal Symbolism in your Logo

Brands and animals go together similar to Puma. In fact, animals hold an important position in our experience of ours as human beings. For what reason would approximately 33% of the major North American league teams derive their names from the animals?

This is because these animals certainly mean something to human beings. In this article, we have mentioned a quick guide that will help you to find the perfect animal symbol that you can include in your logo.

Tips to Use of Animal Representation in Logos

The human nervous system has changed somewhat for detecting and also responding to rapacious felines, venomous snakes, and so forth. Simply speaking, human beings tend to pay a lot of focus to animals.

In this world where the attention of your customers is of prime importance, it is important to get your product across instantaneously. A fantastic way to do that will be to add an animal symbol to the logo. Each and every animal has got its personal and natural association sets which we are able to identify very quickly.

N.B. When performed correctly, including an animal sign to a logo can help to make a product more memorable, immediate, as well as commanding.

Notable Brands that have used Animal Symbolism

There happens to be an art to capture your brand by means of the symbolism of any animal. We will try to mention several popular brands which make use of animals to comprehend how they function and how it will be possible for you to apply all these insights while making your personal logo.


We have often associated owls with wisdom for quite some time. In fact, the 360-degree vision, large eyes along with a usually inquisitive vibe have helped to make these birds an ideal symbol for acquiring knowledge. And for that reason, this company wanted to go for an owl. Duo, the mascot of the brand, encapsulates the warmth, friendliness, as well as wisdom that you expect while studying a new language.

Drunk Elephant

This one happens to be amongst the most well-known skincare brands on the market. As per their website, this particular name has been originated from a saga regarding elephants consuming decayed fruit and becoming smashed.

The reason why the logo functions are the fact that it is extremely unusual; in fact, elephants are not tantamount to skincare. However, the juxtaposition does function while you dig somewhat deeper. This particular logo, combined with a spare design style, helps to create a feeling of individuality, positivity, as well as fun which are the qualities you’d like to communicate in case you’d be marketing the skincare items yourself.


Rubber clogs happen to be stuff, and their existence is odd. This logo is remarkable in spite of any ambivalent sensation regarding life which Crocs provide you. Even though it isn’t an “official” logo, the concept logo design of Stephen Kelleher is definitely a masterclass when it comes to animal character logos. We simply love it.


As per Jagermeister, this specific logo helps to represent the tale of the patron saint of hunters referred to as St Hubertus. Nevertheless, for the majority of humans, the conventional Germanic typeface plus the gothic deer symbol stand for poor decisions and loud music. Ultimately, the logo is able to work mainly due to its striking design, excellent color palette as well as occult texture.

Guidelines for selecting an animal symbol

As shown by the above-mentioned examples, selecting an animal symbol involves 1 of the 2 things. Either, you choose an animal sharing obvious characteristics of the work done by you, or you might go for something a bit unusual. Here, it happens to be the uniqueness of the creature which helps to enliven your brand.

However, be cautious in case you opt for the second option. This is because animal logos without any link to their brand might become confusing for prospective customers. 

For instance, will you go for a massive, angry gorilla for your brand new daycare? We don’t think that way!

While selecting the animal symbol, make it a point to take into consideration the attributes you would like to communicate is a brand.

  • How would you like your clients to feel?
  • What characteristics are actually valued by your business?

Following this, you should think of several animals along with their exclusive traits.

  • Do they make movements?
  • Do they construct stuff?
  • How is their appearance?
  • Are they striking?
  • What happens to be their figurative history?

Your objective will be to develop a number of overlying traits between your brand of yours and the creature with whom you would like to symbolize it. Here, we have given several examples of qualities, industries, along with animals for your help.


Animal symbols: Bulls, horses, big cats, cobras
Symbolic meaning: speed, power, grace, precision.


Animal symbols: falcons, owls, whales.
Symbolic meaning: insight, depth, wisdom.


Animal symbols: bulls, peacocks, and lions.
Symbolic meaning: reliability, royalty, uniqueness.


Animal symbols: elephants, rhinos, turtles.
Symbolic meaning: solidity, strength, reliability.


Animal symbols: foxes, peacocks, ostriches, pheasants
Symbolic meaning: luxury and consistency.


Animal symbols: Any tough and athletic animal-like gazelles, cats, dogs, or horses.
Symbolic meaning: pace, control, power, elegance, hostility.


Animal symbols: you can become quite innovative right here. Tropical frogs, zebras, chameleons.
Symbolic meaning: tenderness, quality, individuality. 

Animal symbolism Logo Styles

After selecting the perfect animal, it is time for you to think of your design style. It will not be enough to just select the animal. It is essential to match your design style of yours with the animal itself since this will help to make your brand shine through. Below, we have mentioned several common methods:


Flat design is used by plenty of logos having animal symbols. Try to think of Duolingo, Twitter, and Evernote. The flat design enables your logo to be identifiable as well as usable in almost any context due to the proximity of the creature portrayed.


Similar to flat logos, monochrome logos can prove to be a beneficial constraint that compels you to effectively communicate your brand. Oftentimes, the graphic artists will be performing a first-round version of a logo to be monochrome to make certain that it is feasible to identify the silhouette instantly.


In fact, minimalism is concerned with the line’s economy. This implies communicating the feeling of an animal without much visual processing. Think of your animal symbol’s movement right here: such as the outspread wings of an owl or the tail of a fox. 


Even though abstract logos typically compel you to consider out of the box, it should be done in a manner that is nevertheless communicable instantaneously. For instance, think of Monster Energy or Toronto Raptors logo. Although both of them make use of the authority of animal symbolism, they like to focus on traits instead of animals. You have plenty of freedom to become creative right here; however, ensure that the animal is not obscured in an overly-complex design.


An edgy and robust design style that supplements the wilderness of the creature is showcased. These types of logos are usually utilized for extreme sports, sports teams, band merchandise as well as tattoo shops.


Around 97% of the DNA of human beings is shared with chimpanzees while 58% is shared with chickens. Essentially, we have many things in common with animals, and therefore, animal symbolism has become so powerful at present.

While starting to design your logo, it will be imperative to think about the exclusive attributes and tendencies meticulously that you would like to depict. Try playing around, and also experiment with various styles and you will likewise design a flawless logo within a short span of time as well.

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