5 Creative Tips to Make Responsive Logo

Responsive logos: what they are and why you need one

New tendencies start shaping up while we progress more and more into the digital era. Mobile gadgets are becoming increasingly well-liked and the screen sizes are becoming smaller, and this causes the brands to become more and more adaptable in the long run. Your logo is going to be amongst the primary components of your branding endeavor.

Nevertheless, considering the above scenario, logos are no more “one size which fits everything”. And this is exactly where responsive logos become useful.


What do you mean by a responsive logo?


Responsive logos can be thought of shape-shifting logos that are able to change easily in color, complexity, and size. They do this for adapting to the location where they are showcased. This characteristic of the logos are considered to be more than simply a trend at present.

Nevertheless, we surmise from the facts that the responsive logos have started to look like a practical requirement to a great extent. At present, it is imperative for your logo to stand out on many occasions than previously, they are going to differ extensively when it comes to their size.

Although you will come across some brands that adhere to the obsolete “never alter your logo” regulation, it is not the case right now.

Put simply, a responsive logo will be one that is going to adjust depending on the location of display. For example, it is going to be one size while you view it on your smartphone and another size while you see it on your laptop screen.


How to make a responsive logo?


Make different versions:

While creating a responsive logo, one essential thing to take into consideration will be to create different versions. In general, while breaking down any type of responsive logo, you will come across at least 3 to 4 versions of the identical logo varying in their level of size as well as detail. You ought to bear this in mind while making experimentation with this type of format.


Add or remove details while scaling:

Detail management does matter to a great extent while designing a custom logo. It is especially true while making a responsive logo. While scaling the logo up or down, it is essential to make certain that details are properly removed from or added to it. The rule is easy – you need to add elements while scaling the logo up, and vice versa.


Be steady:

It is a fact that one particular misconception regarding a responsive logo is the fact that every single version ought to represent a completely innovative logo. However, this will not be appropriate whatsoever. It is imperative to maintain the common threads throughout each version of the responsive logo.

Furthermore, they have to be linked together. You need to be extremely consistent with all those fonts that you use as well as the color scheme. This will help to convey continuity while making your branding steady as well.


Abstract symbols assist a lot:

On many occasions, while creating smaller versions of the logo, you might find yourself in a difficult position. It might be possible that a lot of the original logo is already lost. However, don’t be scared of this situation.

You must not try to force it. In fact, it is often not possible to simplify certain designs. On the other hand, a custom logo company ought to come across a more abstract emblem properly representing the original.


Rearranging and stacking:

Bear in mind that it is not imperative for the responsive logos to be smaller or larger while they are scaled up or down. As a matter of fact, responsive logos should be responding. Hence, the name.

At times, it will be possible for you to attain more flexibility in the manner in which your elements are stacked. One prime example happens to be text. Rather than getting rid of components altogether, it will be possible for you to reorganize them out there.



Responsive logos focus on creating a remarkable brand identity. These types of logos happen to be a portion of the bigger scenario. It is imperative for all the components of your brand to fall together similar to an impeccably aligned puzzle.

This will help to consolidate your existence and your brand will become more identifiable and memorable.


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