14+ Strategies for Increasing Brand Popularity ( Examples)

When a business owner thinks of establishing his brand, the first and foremost thing that a business owner requires is to make his brand locally and globally popular.  Whether you are a small business owner, or an entrepreneur, or an owner of a big enterprise, your brand popularity is the basic thing that a brand requires to grow his business and gain profit hike.

Brand popularity can be referred to how well your brand is recognized by the people out there and how efficiently how a brand is able to reach out to its potential consumers. Making a brand is not enough to make your business earn people’s awareness, it requires several other things to take into consideration in order to turn your brand name into a word of mouth.

When it comes to increasing brand popularity, another factor that comes in to play is how much your brand is remembered by your customers. 

Before you move ahead, you must know the several important factors affecting your brand popularity:

  1. Effective marketing
  2. Strong website
  3. Customer services
  4. Innovative services
  5. Location oriented product and services
  6. Additional and complementary services
  7. Powerful advertising
  8. Local interaction

All of the above factors play a great role when it comes to increasing your brand popularity. Your brand popularity is one of the biggest and the basic needs of your business to make it earn growth and hike. In simple terms, the popularity of your brand can be referred to the exposure your business gets to the outer world, the recognition you get from the consumers.

The more popularity you gain, the value business gets and the more people would want to visit your business. In order to gain it, you need to follow a certain step by step strategic procedure to increase brand popularity.

To Know About The Various Strategic Aspects To Build A Powerful Brand And To Earn It Global Recognition And Popularity, You Can Keep On Reading Forth:

Strategies For Increasing Brand Popularity

Target The Right Set Of The Audience:

You must keep in mind that you cannot get the same exposure to everywhere you want; and also not everyone has the same requirements. So, it is important that you target the right audience and you start marketing your business accordingly.

There are a number of technologies and software that can help you recognize and target the right set of audience.

It goes without saying that, if you are a dealer of winter wears or woollen stuff, you can’t expect to gain profit and popularity in those places where winter barely arrives. So, it is important for you as a businessman to identify the right set of potential customers and market our brand according to that.

Build A Website That Is User-Friendly And Customer-Centric:

When spreading awareness about your brand and gaining popularity is being talked about, the one thing that you should remember is that you must possess an efficient website. By efficiency of a website, it is referred to the user-friendliness, accessibility, and the effectiveness of a business website.

As you know, the website is the basic need of any brand and without having a website, efficient marketing is never possible.

So, the aspects that you should keep in mind while creating a website are:

  1. Your website should be easily accessible and also should be user-friendly.
  2. Your website should contain all the necessary information about your business and should be visible prominently.
  3. You must not forget to incorporate various graphics and visual effects on your website as it is a proven fact that colourful and visually interesting stuff is more likely to grab attention.

Try Partnering With Influencers:

You can look for the influencers and various authorities whose business expertise and strategies complement that of yours. For that matter, you first need to decide a value that you are willing to offer to these influencers in return for getting exposure to the loyal followers of theirs.

When you are done with placing a mutually beneficial agreement, you are sure to increase your credibility and brand popularity.

One of the Greatest Examples in this context can be Nokia. Nokia is a well-known brand for sure, but everyone knows that it had to face decline lately. To mitigate that, it chose to partner with Microsoft, the world’s top known business icon. 

Local Partnership Is Important:

If you want to earn brand -awareness, you must emphasize on forming local partnerships with the existing business owners. This will help to merge their customers with yours and eventually earning you more profit and popularity.

You need to be careful while choosing your partners and also make sure that niche business must compliment yours. 

For instance, you might know Levis and Pinterest has partnered with each other, and together they are creating a hike in the global market. Both businesses complement each other and definitely play an important role in earning more and more popularity around the world.

Provide Customer-Centric Services:

You must remember that your business is ultimately going to be known for your customer services. No matter how well you are at marketing but if your customers are not satisfied with your services in practice, you cannot expect to gain popularity and your business strategies are going to go in vain.

It is important to know your customers from a closer distance and you must try to provide them with exactly what they want.

You can consider Airbnb as an Example here. It is one of the topmost businesses for airline services and accommodation and it always manages to remain on top for its incredible customer care support and customer-centric services.

This is the reason why it is also one of the most trusted businesses in the markets, despite the Not-so-good reputation of the airline services in terms of customer support.

Work For Social Cause:

No matter what, charity works are always appreciated by all. If you want to gain global recognition and increase the popularity of your brand, you can invest some money for social causes and you are sure to capture the hearts of the people out there.

You can find something that society cares about and can create a video that depicts the cause of your work.

For Example, Wells Fargo Wells Fargo donated more than about  14,500 non-profits, and employees have volunteered almost 2 million hours. These charitable efforts by this famous US company highlight its good intention and approach to its customers.

This genuinely brings some positive vibes in the minds of people and spread good thoughts.

Organize Contests And Announce Exciting Prizes:

People are often interested in participating in various contests and winning exciting prizes. You can organize such business-oriented contest and can reward your customers with great prizes on winning.

This strategy works the best when it comes to gaining popularity. You are sure to attract people’s attention and will surely be able to increase you brand popularity by making people talk about your business.

As for example, you might have seen various facebook pages organizing several contests in order to gain likes and popularity.

They call for some giveaways and by that process, people get more and more interested in those and participates in the contests. This is an amazing way to pull customer interests towards your business. 

Add More Services And Cover More Areas:

The demand and expectation of your customers are ever-increasing and will show no sign to slow down. You can always add more and more services to your business and make your business popular amongst the people.

The more variety of services you provide,  the more likely you are to get globally recognized and the more customers you bring in. For that, you need to understand your customers’ needs and proceed accordingly.

For Example, Uber was first introduced to provide pick and drop service to the people. But later it has introduced Uber eats which is an online food delivery service. This had earned this company even more attention by increasing popularity worldwide.

Free Trials And Samples:

When a customer visits a store or a company,  the main thing that they care about is whether they are spending at the right place for the right thing.

If you provide them with some free trials of your services and some free samples of your products,  you are actually ensuring that your goods and services are absolutely worth spending.

Also, this will create faith in the minds of the customers and they might like to refer your business to their friends, colleagues and relatives.

For Example, you might have seen that Netflix provides free trial subscription for about a month and then they start changing. Free trials are very effective in alluring customers and compel them to choose your business over any other business.

Become Social Media Geeks:

When the popularity and awareness about your brand is being talked about, nothing can work better than social media. There are various social media platforms and you are sure to find the right set of audience in one or the other social media platforms.

But one thing that you need to be careful about is that you must choose the right platform for your business. To be more precise, not all social media platforms are the same and not every platform holds the similar type of audience.

For Example, if you are a restaurant owner, you would definitely not promote your business on a social media platform like LinkedIn. This platform is exclusively for professionals and there is room for your business. You can rather try other platforms like facebook, Pinterest etc. which are more likely to grab more attention.

Make The Best Use Of SEO:

Certainly, if you are not a brand which can be compared to apple, google or Nike, you are not supposed to be noticed by people from a scratch.  For gaining customers’ attention and for making your brand more popular, you can take the help of SEO, which means Search Engine Optimization.

By this, you can find the best suitable keywords that goes well with your business and those which are the most likely to be searched by your potential customers.

Here, Amazon can be the Best example to be cited. It uses the best SEO techniques ever and always manages to remain on top by closely understanding its customers and market their products accordingly. 

Try To Come Up With Something Unique:

Uniqueness and innovation have always been valued in every market. You can introduce something very unique or fictitious about your brand, be it the logo, the name or the tagline. Humour is a good thing to grab attention.

So naming your brand uniquely, might turn some heads towards your business as people find this interesting.

You can take the example of Old Spice brand. The name itself sounds quite humorous and recreating. While all the perfume brand names are relevant with fragrance and good odour, this name absolutely sounds out of the box.

This kind of creativity and adding some humor can create a buzz amongst the people regarding your brand.

Go For Paid Social Advertising:

There is a popular saying, “If you can’t beat them,  join them.” This saying is indeed true. If you are an evolving brand, it is not possible to earn popularity overnight. As a matter of fact, you must need to have patience and thus going for paid social advertising is a great option.

Though you are not likely to wake up from bed the next morning to find that you are globally known, but each piece of publicity earned by this lucrative strategy will surely take you one step closer towards achieving your goals.

Some platforms are relatively less expensive and are affordable for newly emerging businesses. And the amount of money you invest is surely worth as the result is definitely positive.

Wrapping Up:

The above-discussed strategies might be helpful for your business in order to increase the popularity of your brand. To conclude the context, the advice for you is to be patient and give some time to yourself as well as your customers to know your brand better. 

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