Orange is a secondary color made out by mixing two primary colors, red and yellow, in certain proportions. The desired hue of orange can be attained by increasing or decreasing the percentage of yellow or red in a particular design.
Orange represents all positive things of life, be it zeal, charm, happiness, appeal, originality, vigor, and fortitude. Psychologically orange is a color of positive energy vibes, affection, and passion. Some motivational experts feel that orange emits kindness and power. The color arouses confidence, upliftment, and restoration.
Orange Logos of Famous Brands
Many leading brands of the world have used orange as their primary color in their respective logos. Because of the stimulating specialties and characteristics of orange color such as energy, happiness and warmth, most successful food giants and the leading companies in their respective sectors have been using orange color in their logo.
The Seattle, Washington-based transnational corporation is one of the biggest e-commerce, consumer electronics, and digital distribution companies worldwide.
The orange logo designed by Anthony Biles conveys a friendly smile and that of consumer satisfaction and on the other hand, drives home the point that it sells anything and everything under the sun from A to Z.
Blogger is a blog host or blog-publishing service available in 60 main languages of the earth.
Since the orange color denotes creativity, energy, enthusiasm, and youthfulness, it goes very well and in perfect sync with the Blogger logo as this is also a forum for free expression.
Currently owned by the Texas-based Keurig Dr. Pepper, Crush is an extremely popular caffeine-free brand of carbonated soft drinks very popular globally. Initially, the brand was known as Orange Crush, as the item was initially created as a sort of orange soda.
Apart from orange flavor, Crush is available in many other flavors like grapes, strawberry, peach, pineapple, and diet orange. As a part of a novel strategy, Crush has stuck to the Orange color in its logo design to further reinforce the brand awareness in the consumer mind.
Dunkin Donuts:
1950 incorporated Massachusetts-based organization is a transnational coffee house and a donut marketer and one of the most reputed in the world. Since the inception of the logo, the color scheme was in brown and yellow. In 1961 a revised logo was designed with the branding of Dunkin in orange and donut in pink.
Bright orange was added in 1980 in place of hot pink. The current logo is recreated in 2014 with slight moderation keeping the basic color scheme the same. DUNKIN is in bright orange keeping the branding very loud and clear with Donut in pink.
Although originating in Germany and Italy 80 years back, the fruit-flavored carbonated drinks are produced by Coca Cola. Fanta is a direct competitor to Mirinda, Slice, and Crush. It is an orange-flavored soda drink and has been projected as a fun-filled bubbly brand. The typeface and font style targets the younger audience and the product is positioned for them only.
The circular orange background represents an outline of an orange with a beautiful motif of an orange leaf making it a lovely appetizing contrast.
Harley Davidson:
Founded in 1903 and based at Wisconsin, Harley Davidson is one of the premium motorcycle brands of the world. The logo is one of the most recognizable brands in the automotive sector.
The orange element in the logo denotes vigor, exuberance, bustle, and action truly representing a motorbike while black resembles sophistication. Since black is the ground color the name branding has to be in white so that the company name clearly stands out very clearly.
Hermes Paris:
The Paris-based organization was founded 183 years ago is in the retail industry and marketing perfumes, jewelry, leather goods, and other high fashion and luxury items. The logo color is in bright orange which was created during the 1950s.
The logo shows a stylized horse-drawn carriage with a coachman in front which is presumably drawn from the fact that the company initially manufactured horse saddles. The bright orange color resembles the genuineness and distinctive edge of the company from its competitors. The unique and distinguishing characteristics of the brand as visualized in orange color are also established herewith.
This Los Angeles-based company which was founded in 1946 is in the business of production and marketing of audio pieces of equipment, loudspeakers and headphones. JBL is the abbreviation of the founder’s name of the company. The logo was initially designed by Mr. Jerome Gould who created the Pepsi logo design.
That was a black and white one. Later on, the president of the company himself changed the logo. The refurbished logo was placed inside a box so that the abbreviations JBL was clearly visible. The ground color of the box is bright orange with the brand lettering white. The color orange represents self-reliance and power.
The German national airlines which started its flight operation last century is one of the founding members of the Star Alliance group. The airlines’ logo is a stylized crane on flight as if any aircraft is just taking off.
The crane comes in a circle encircled with a blue circumference throughout. The orange background was incorporated in 1962 with the flying crane in the middle. With the advent of time and with the coming of digitalization the world over, the crane has been made slimmer as well as the line of circumference so that it looks more contemporary.
The NewYork based multinational corporation is firmly ensconced in the global financial and the credit card debit card and the prepaid cards market since 1966. The MasterCard logo is very much recognizable because of its striking orange color and currently is without the name branding.
The two interlocking circles of orange and red had the word MasterCard written at the base in black previously. With the new complete digitalization in all spheres of activities, the orange and red interlocking circles alone without name branding will suffice as the company feels.
Mirinda is a citrus-flavored soft drink primarily orange, from the PepsiCo stable and which originated from Spain in 1959. Apart from orange, the drink is available in many other fruit flavors like apple, strawberry, raspberry, pomegranate, etc.
As the flagship brand is orange-flavored, the company logo has also been designed in such a way where the entire background is orange and branding name, the motif over I and the green band resembles the green hue of an orange leaf. The orange splash just behind the brand name expresses joy and satisfaction after taking the drink.
Mozilla Firefox:
Developed by Mozilla Foundation the free and open-source web browser is commonly known as Firefox. The initial release was in 2002 and very recently the standard release was done early this month.
The initial logo was the illustration of a phoenix bird in red color. In 2003 the Firefox logo with the earth encircling was launched which symbolized the browser’s global reach in lightning speed. Orange was the predominant color in the illustration of the fox.
As this logo clicked, Firefox did some brush up on the logo where the areas of the orange and red colors were increased on the fox’s body.
Nickelodeon :
Owned by Viacom CBS the New York-based TV channel, Nick or Nickelodeon is the first cable channel entirely dedicated to is a website developed by the channel. Orange is the color of youth, vibrancy, freshness, activity, and joy.
Since children are the primary target audience of the channel and website the orange color truly gels with the target group. The latest logo personification is bubbling with full of joy, and attractiveness and stands out in the crowd because of its glossier and superior finish.
Primarily known as Orange S.A. and rechristened from France Telecom S.A. the company is a French multinational company in the telecom sector.
The brand orange has been used in its mobile, landline, IPTV, and internet service. The logo is a square box in solid orange color with the Orange branding in white color lettering at the base of the box.
Penguin Books:
The British organization founded in 1935 is one of the most reputed publishers of the globe. The logo of an image of a penguin inside a vertical orange oval shape is one of the most recognizable logos till today.
This penguin is lovingly called Tux and the design was created in 1935 with a simple single color logo of the image of a penguin. The current design was created in 2002 after lots of fine-tuning previously. The publishing house describes its current logo as well as dignified but frivolous.
The Anglo-Dutch Petroleum Company headquartered in The Netherlands is considered one of the supermajors of the oil industry internationally.
“Shell” initially made its debut in 1891 as a symbol for kerosene being transhipped to the Far East. That Kerosene found its way in India to be sold, Around 1904 based on the shape of a Pecten sea shell the current logo was incorporated giving the logo a visual entity. Initially, the logo color was red and yellow keeping in mind to befriend Spanish settlers in California but later on, orange was chosen in the 1970s.
The US-based Women’s National Basketball Association known as WNBA was commissioned in 1997. Based in New York, it has 12 teams playing. The logo in orange is ideated from the NBA logo where a player is shown doing a layup.
Initially, the player silhouette of a woman was inside the box but later on to give more space to the image the box has been removed. Orange in the logo denotes youth and vigor.
Developed by World Wide Web Consortium, HTML 5 is an open format mark up language and the last version of HTML. The logo is in 100% orange and placed in a regular pentagon type box with 5 in white, very boldly written in the middle, with the orange ground.
The four letters HTML is in solid black on top of the orange pentagon. The logo depicts the language as bold, bright, forward-thinking, and striving for progress which it tries to convey and reinforce in the minds of the web developers.
Based in Atlanta and Florida, this is the trademark of two adult restaurant chains in the USA. The logo in 100% orange shows an owl universally known for its calls known as hooting.
The Hooters branding is in solid orange color whereas the “oo” in the word Hooters are two solid thicker circles with dots in their middle in the white ground, also circles.
Payless ShoeSource:
The Texas-based international discount footwear chain operates in 3500 + outlets globally. Until 2006 the brand logo was in yellow and the smaller cases o in “shoe” and “source” were
bright red circles. The current logo is in solid orange color, a new try to rebrand and reposition the organization The effort has been to give a more contemporary and stylized image of the company. The word Payless is in a bigger point size than ShoeSource which is in the next line underneath” Less “.The stylized P is in a circle denoting movement and transformation.
The Pittsburgh based oil major has been consistently among the top ten oil companies of the USA since its inception.
The logo is round with the word Gulf written in customer-friendly typeface and the orange glow behind the branding is a darker vignette of the classic Gulf color. The company wants to promote this retail fuel image in the minds of the consumers
Science Channel:
Launched in October 1996 in the USA, Science Channel is owned by Discovery Inc. and its content has been science and technology, UFOlogy, wilderness, animal survival, etc.
The logo featured Sc in upper and lower cases respectively with an orange box in the background. The branding of the Science Channel is at the bottom in two lines – the word science in a bigger point size compared to channel and both of them in orange color.
The logo has since then has been changed to blue.
Sony Walkman:
A brand of portable media from the stable of Sony, Walkman was initially a portable cassette player which was a huge craze in the 1980s and 1990s. Later on, Sony launched a portable CD player and Discman too.
The initial logo was in a solid orange box with the company pneumonic and Walkman written in white with orange in reverse. Later on, the color scheme was just interchanged with the pneumonic and Walkman in solid orange in a white box.
Timberland has been one of the major manufacturers of footwear, apparel, leatherware, luxury watches, etc. based at New Hampshire, the USA. The logo in orange shows a sturdy strong orange tree with branches.
The brand name itself suggests that it is a land with woods and trees, shrubs and mini forest. The logo and the name are thus in perfect sync with each other and the product it markets — a strong pair of shoes for a rugged and rough topography.
A subsidiary of the global logistics management pioneer FedEx, TNT is a logistics and courier organization based in the Netherlands. The TNT orange logo inside three circles is an instantly recognizable logo the world over.
Orange has been used as the principal color in the logo as the designer feels it is correlated to the people or masses with which the company is knotted. Inside the three circles, the borders are having grey casing so that TNT the three letters stand out very prominently.
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