96+ Catchy Lip Balm Captions for Instagram to Make Your Own

Lip balms are wax-like substances that are generally applied to the lips to relieve chapped or dry lips. They can, however, be applied on sore places too. Lip balm contains beeswax, camphor, lanolin, paraffin, petrolatum, dyes, and phenol, among other substances. It is also known as petroleum jelly, lip gloss, chapstick, etc.

lip balm captions for Instagram

Lip balm is a better lipstick. #changemymind

A sweet lip balm for a sweet person. #sweetlipbalms

Get the world’s best lip balm here! #worldsbestlipbalm

Which one is the world’s best lip balm? #bestlipbalm

Show me the world’s best lip balm! #showmethebest

Lip balm – a kiss for your lips! #lipbalmkiss

Put on lip balm and be kiss-ready! #bekissready

Lip balm leaves your lips softer than a kiss! #softerlipbalm

Lip balm softens your lip skin! #softenslipskin

Lip balm is a natural solution for your dry lips. #drylips

Get rid of your dry lips now! Put on a lip balm. #getridofdrylips

Lip balm – moisturizer for your lips! #moisturizerforthelips

Lip balm is your lip’s first love. #firstlove

Men may come and men may go, but lip balms will stay on forever. #lipbalmforever

I love men who apply lip balm. #men

Who said men can’t put on lip balms? #mencan

Men should put on lip balms too! #menshouldtoo

If Joey can do an Ichiban commercial, so can men! #joeypputsonlipstick

Ichiban – Lip balm for men! #ichiban

Lip balm – comforts your lips! #comfortablelips

A lip balm shall take care of your lips. #lipbalmtakescare

Lip balm is the best way to take care of your lips! #lipbalmtakescare

Your lips need a lip balm more than a kiss. #morethanakiss

Be kiss-ready with a lip balm! #bekissreadyalways

Lip balm makes your lips glow! #glowinglips

Lip Balms make your lips shine! #shininglips

Dress your lips with a lip balm always! #dressyourlips

Lip balms make your smile more beautiful! #smilemore

Take care of your lips. Put on a lip balm. #putonalipbalm

If you hate lipsticks, lip balms are your only friend. #hatelipsticks

Put on a lip balm and feel the smoothness! #feelthesmoothness

Lip balm is not an expense. Lip balm is a necessity. #necessity

Put on a lip balm or be worn out with dry lips. #drylips

Lip balm – for people who like to nourish their lips. #nourishyourlips

Say goodbye to chapped lips! #goodbyechappedlips

It’s all in the smile and what better way to make your smile better! Put on a lip balm. #putonalipbalm

Lip balm – better than your cream and moisture for your dry lips. #betterthan

Pamper your lips with lip balms! #pamperlips

Your lips need to be pampered too! Put on a lip balm. #putonlipbalm

Be gorgeous with lip balm. #begorgeous

A woman will never forget to put on a lip balm. #women

A woman shall never leave her house without wearing lip balm. #wearalipbalm

Lip balm – care for your lips. #careforyourlips

Lip balm – because we care for your lips. #wecare

Lip balms are make-up for your lips. #makeupyourlips

Prepare for the day and before you begin – wear a lip balm! #wearlipbalms

Start the day by putting on some lip balm! #starttheday

Make your lips softer than before! Put on a lip balm! #softerlips

Lip balm – for softer lips. #lipbalms

Make your life better by applying lip balms! #makelifebetter

Lip balms are a must to carry. #mustcarry

I seem lost without wearing lip balm! #lipbalmalways

I am a lip balm person. #lipbalmperson

A man who carries lip balm is ready to take a wife! #menareready

Luxurious lip balms for your luxurious lips! #lipbalmluxury

Lip balm is a necessity more than a luxury. #lipbalmisanecessity

Lip balms are love for your lips. #lipslove

It is all in the lip. So, wear lip balm! #lipbalmforever

Funny Lip Balm Captions

Why keep your lips dry when you can apply lip balm! #saynotodrylips

Lips wearing a lip balm get more noticed than dry lips. #lipswithlipbalms

Put on a lip balm and brighten up your day! #brightenup

Put on a lip balm and let the men stare! #letmenstare

Lip balm – for radiant and smooth lips. #radiantlips

Lip balm is a lip’s, true love. #truelove

Lip balm and lips are a better love story than Taylor Swift’s songs. #betterlovestory

Lip balm and lips are a better couple than Bonnie and Clyde. #bonnieandclyde

Lip balm is one of the greatest inventions in the world! #greatestinventions

Put on a lip balm and let it do all the talking. #lipstalk

Lip balms – to replenish and rejuvenate your lips! #replenishandrejuvenate

Put on a lip balm and let your eyes do the talking. #eyestalk

Talk through your lip balm! #talkthroughlipbalms

Lip balm – for better lips! #betterlips

Put on a lip balm and be rewarded with a beautiful kiss! #reward

Lip balm – for people across all genders, languages, colors, and caste! #lipbalmforeveryone

Lip balm has been preferred by everybody! #wearalipbalmtoday

Lip balm – for your lips only. #lipbalmonthelips

Put on a lip balm to make sure you get attention! #getattention

Lip balms bring out the confidence from inside of you. #beconfident

Wear a lip balm and drink less water. #drinkwater

Elegance is the way you carry your lip balm! #elegantlipbalms

Do not let lips fade away! Wear a lip balm today! #fadinglips

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