List of 35+ Best Kelloggs Brand Slogans

The Michigan based Kelloggs is a very reputed MNC, manufacturing and marketing food products, cereals, cornflakes, crackers, frozen waffles,  vegetarian foods, and toaster pastries. Kellogg’s products are marketed in 180 countries globally. The company has its largest plant in the United Kingdom. Another reputed brand marketed by the company is Pringle.

Kelloggs Brand Slogans

Nourishing families so they can flourish and thrive

You won’t believe it until you have tried it

The best to you each morning

Helloo delicious

We have found the secret of happy breakfast

The look that makes him look again

The look that makes him look again

The sweetheart of the corn

The complete protein breakfast that is quick as an instant coffee

Enjoying the sunshine in cornflakes


Multigrain breakfast for the unstoppable

#Brand saga

Here’ what a wonderful taste looks like

The self-starter breakfast — keeps me on my toes

Nutritionally awesome and strawberry superb

The favourite cereal in millions of homes

The most delicious of all breakfast foods

Self starter breakfffast

Mother, can I have some more?

Vitamins for PEP. PEP for vitamins.

The original toasted cornflakes won its favour through its flavour

Mother knows Kelloggs ‘s best

Kellogg’s corn flakes with fresh fruits — wonderful for warm days

Frosted flakes – reduced sugar

Great taste the whole family will love

Great day in the morning

We do breakfast

The trouble is they taste too good

America’s favourite breakfast with sugar already in it

Keep going with Kelloggs

#The taste experience

The high nutrition cereal with that good Kelloggs taste

America’s most popular assortment

Made with iron feeding endurance

Grand food anytime

Be a force of nature

Live on the youthful side of life

Kelloggs for crispness

Protein and fibre === kick start your weight management journey

You won’t believe it until you have tried it

Start your day with a healthy breakfast packed with nourishment

The perfect food to kickstart your day

Great start great day

Nourish yourself

Breakfast ka irresistible tase

I have taken the breakfast pledge, have you?

Taste the wholesome goodness

Dil bharke khao

Out of this world

Breakfast se barker

Now it is time for Kelloggs cornflakes

Whole wheat plus extra bran

Now get #real pista badam and Kesar in cornflakes

The secrets of maintaining my figure – I eat

Nourishment served without hiding

Breakfast ka balidaan nahi dena hoga

Make mornings great again

Builds men

#No compromise mornings

Crunchy outside, chocolaty inside

Perfect warm-up for the monsoons

Kelloggs cornflakes has shakti

Go for #Muesli power

Kelloggs oats simply Pongal

One good decision can lead to another

Kelloggs cornflakes, the original and the best

Kelloggs — feeding dreams

Fat-free even in Lard’s heyday

Brave leaders building strong

Kelloggs wake up to breakfast

Behind every great finish, there is a start

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