New Year brings in a lot of aspiration and new zeal into one’s life. Thus, we can’t wait for the celebration to begin. Listed are a few “Hourglass” captions that will accelerate your social media journey for this New Year. Do not forget to mention us.
Hourglass Captions for Instagram
Don’t wait to recognize your demons; the sand in your hourglass is slipping. #slipped
If you don’t give a damn about yourself, I pity the hourglass of your life. #pity
Beauty is bleak, time is constant, thus value the hourglass of your life. #constant
See, there is an hourglass, and the sand is about to drop out. #aboutto
Death is precisely the moment when the hourglass runs out of sand. #empty
Your New year dress looks like an hourglass figure. #figurine
The miser is counting on his wealth when the sand is running out of the hourglass. #deathisnear
Because a new start always refills the hourglass of your life. #refilled
As we are hypnotized, watching the sand slip out of our hourglass. #hypnotic
New Year is savored; the instinct always speaks of the slipped-out sand of our hourglass. # savored
The Sandman brings dreamers to the sleepers and hopes into hard work’s hourglass. #hope
At this New Year Party, I will be a small weeping elf holding an hourglass. #story
Clocks are the actual influencers of one’s life, the hourglass being the leader of all. #counted
The early ’90s were like the hips of the hourglass, never enough. #neverenough
Hourglass symbolizes a lot of hardships and squeezing through them. #squeezed
New Year’s party is always a hit; everyone dresses like an hourglass figure. #dressed
My feelings are like the sand in an hourglass; if not held tight, it will slip away. #wisdom
He was holding time in the palm of his hand during the hourglass on his wrist. #watch
If science is my sandbox, then this world is my hourglass. #hourglass
An hourglass where time drips out drop by drop, a life to be experienced. #experience
Your identity is passing before you, grains of sand in the hourglass. #identity
The only path of beating death is liberation, an hourglass with limited sand. #limitation
Life is more like an hourglass, sand passing out till the time you die. #truth
Live before you die; little time is left for the sand in the hourglass to run out. #inspiration
I see the world through an hourglass; I see time as it affects everything. #affect
Even as I see you now, I see you dying every passing grain of the hourglass. #sight
I see every living being to live a little more with every passing grain of hourglass. #passed
If you ever hit an hourglass, you will recognize the moments that are sliding out. # recognized
If I find a good diet plan, I will surely transform into an hourglass-shaped woman. #shaped
I am motivated enough to be an hourglass-shaped, or say, an egg-shaped woman. #motivation
We are like the sands in an hourglass; either we can end in war or in peace. #eitheror
It’s finally time for New Year when the hourglass will strive at zero hours. #zerohour
In New Year, when the clock strikes midnight, it’s finally time to refill the hourglass. #refill
New Year feels like an hourglass, all the aspirations sweeping off the feet. #sweptoff
Time was nothing sort of an infinite source; the hourglass will burst open soon. #limited
Decisions once taken cannot be regretted; the sand through the hourglass can’t be replaced. #noreplacement.
A bunch of sand is like a million tiny diamonds, straight out of an hourglass. #tinydiamonds
I have a promise by the hourglass; the price is always worth it. #priced
Memory is like an hourglass, glued to the brain of life’s mind. #glued
Happiness is mostly like an hourglass; probably, it is just a state of mind. #stateofmind
If I didn’t care about myself, I would not have been able to care about others. #caredfor
A physician can parry the pain of death sometimes but has no control over the hourglass. #controlled
I wish I had the capability of flipping my fortune upside down like an hourglass. #flippeddown
Life was never a finite affair but a calculation based on the hourglass of one’s time. #finite
Funny Hourglass Captions
The time went by quickly, like sands slipping down with every passing second of the hourglass. #quick
It took me the tenure of a complete hourglass to get over the words said by him. #getover
Hourglass often sets beauty standards for those with bountiful riches and privileges. #standards
Days of our lives are like the sands of the hourglass, falling through the fingers of time. #days
I want to get away with all the worries like an antique hourglass hitting the floor in slow motion. #antique
I am more a 2002’s hourglass trying to go into 2022. #2022
I wanted to be alone with him this New Year until the hourglass ran out of sand. #bewithhim
A fish is like a grain of sand in an hourglass, often slips out for its own doom. #doom
In this New Year, I want to be caught in an hourglass of colliding and delusional dreams. #collided
The hourglass is like an absolute journey; once started cannot be reversed until it is all out. #allout
I often dream of a world where time runs like dry, quicksand of an hourglass. #dream
Sound and time are quite dense; hourglass remains the only relief of all time. #relieved
It’s important to be comfortable in your body type; hourglasses are just an illusion.
Sequins help to look glamorous, more woman, like an hourglass. #sequin
In 2020, the hourglass was the slowest of all time. #2020
In some way, we are running out of time; few moments are left in the hourglass of our life. #moments
When we start a love story, we often shackle an hourglass, watching the sand slip out. #lovestory
I think all the cherished sands of my life are falling into the wrong portion of the hourglass. #wronged
Filled with hope, as if I am looking into an hourglass. #lookedinto
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