229+ Catchy Apple Bobbing Captions for Instagram to Make Your Own

The autumn fun is still on, and did you apple bob? Try it out today, if you haven’t already! Worth all the fun while drinking and roasting! Here are some ‘apple bobbing’ captions for your social media posts! Go ahead and choose your best! 

Apple Bobbing Captions for Instagram

Is your head bobbing? #iguess 

Make your head bob with apples. #surething 

Did I win the competition? #didi

Its too hard to say how many apples I bobbed. #bobbed 

Stuffed with apples. #haha

While bobbing for apples. #bobbing

In the meanwhile. #meanwhile 

Keep calm and keep bobbing apples. #keepcalm 

Where’s the fun? #where 

Apple bobbing is fun! #totally 

Who needs a bully when you have apple bobbing on the list? #shit 

Make it large. Make apple bobbing fun! #largeandfun 

Won the apple bobbing game! #champion 

Champion of the useless! #thatssomething 

Who’s the star of the show? #guess 

Always an apple bobber! #always 

Filled the bucket with water! #filled 

Rules are rules! #breakthem  

What a wastage of apples! #nowastage 

There’s fun when you have an apple orchard! #yay 

Where do the rotten apples go? #inapplebobbing 

Played the game for the first time, and I haven’t been happier. #behappier 

Catch only with your teeth! #onlywith 

So many reflexes work together at the same time. #somany 

Is it really apple bobbing, though? #isit 

Make a pun! #letmethink 

Many many puns to be said, but they are all dark. #darkpuns 

Never bully! #never 

Play for the fun, man! #forfun 

Smashed ten apples today! #smashed 

What a score! #whatascore 

Always beating my brother at the game. #always 

If you haven’t, try it at home! #tryit 

Make sure you do not swallow! #donotswallow 

Do you know the rules? #icanbreakthem 

What are the rules for the game? #norules 

After apple bobbing, your head shall bob. #headbobs 

Vodka makes the game funnier! #vodka 

Never bully with apple bobbing. #neverbully 

Keep calm and keep bobbing apples! #keepbobbing 

Apple bobbing is redundant. #changemymind 

Apple bobbing for Halloween! #halloween 

No place for a cheater in the game! #noplaceforacheater 

What is Halloween if not for apple bobbing! #whatelse 

Apple bobbing calls for Halloween fun! #callsfor 

Autumns are for apple bobbing. #autumns 

How many apples have you got? #millions 

At any party that I have been to, apple bobbing is the first thing on their mind! #firstthingonmymind 

I am the spoilsport. #spoilsport 

Apple bobbers, give them a cheer! #cheers 

To the apple bobbing champions! #cheers 

Can we write ‘apple bobbing champion’ in our resume? #surely 

I wish we could write that as our talent! #talent 

Useless talents are everywhere! But who appreciated them! #useless 

Apple bobbers need a home run, too! #homerun 

Make it a national competition already! #nationalcompetition 

Do they have apple bobbing as an Olympic game? #itsisalreadyhaha 

Slow claps for the apple bobbers. #slowclaps 

What is your talent? #applebobbing 

If apple bobbing can be termed as a talent, then I am sure I’m up for it! #talented 

Who drowned? #noone 

Prepared to be roasted! #beroasted 

Who else thinks the game needs to be banned? #onlyyou 

Meet *name*, the apple bobbing champion! #champion 

Breakfast with the apple bobbing champions. #breakfastwith 

The first rule of apple bobbing is you do not speak about apple bobbing. #fightapplebobbers 

What’s your score? #ahundred  

Everything is fun and nice. #great 

Petition to allow apple bobbing championships. #petition 

Keep calm and keep eating. #keepeating 

No choking! No cheating! #nochoking 

Bob your head before you bob the apple. #bobit 

The great apple bobber! #greatest 

How can you bob delicious apples? #delicious 

Grab them with all your might! #grabthem 

Grab them with all your teeth! #grabit 

I used my hands. They sent me out. #oops 

The apple bobbing police are here. #police 

And who are you? The apple bobbing police! #theapplebobbingpolice 

Grab the apple! #grabthem 

Try again and until you can make it! #tryagain 

I don’t understand the point! #whatsthepoint 

Do you find any point in drinking? #yessurely 

Spoilsports can see themselves out. #honestly 

All fun and games! #allfun

Spoilsports are to be shifted to that room. #pleasebe 

Calling all apple bobbers! #callingall 

Funny Apple Bobbing Captions

Once a popular game, and now everyone wants to ban it! #banit 

We need fun people around! #funpeople 

Is it true? You can see your future love life in it? #ofcoursenot 

So, if you can’t pick even one apple, your future love life is dark. #wtf 

Mine was already non-existent! #haha 

I could blame it on apple bobbing. #blameit 

I need to pick one apple at least! #atleast 

Blame game on apple bobbing. #smart 

I need to make my love life by picking up apples with your teeth! #whateven 

What is the most ridiculous thing you have heard? #this 

My love life depends on the number of apples I manage to catch! #managednothing 

What if you managed nothing? #darkthen  

It’s all a scam. #iswear 

Let’s make it fun. Put a price on every apple. #betting 

Inter continent apple bobbing competition played all by the Americans! #huh 

Can somebody tell me what’s happening! #enlightenme 

Learnt to play apple bobbing today! #finally 

We need to follow a Halloween tradition! #traditions 

Traditions need to be broken. #why 

Traditions are meant to be followed! Mean ones to be followed more! #evil 

Apples were pre-assigned to the women in the room. #previously 

Can we bring back the tradition of apple bobbing to find your loved ones? Otherwise, I shall die a spinster. #otherwise 

Nobody dies because of apple bobbing! #wheredidyougetthatfrom 

During the covid times. #what 

No one can stop my brother from apple bobbing! #somebodystophim 

What fun it must be to see white people bobbing red apples! #haha 

Let’s take advantage of every situation! #lets 

Did you manage to grab any? #10 

How can I cheat in apple bobbing? #how 

Modern twist to the Halloween tradition! #whatsthat 

I am scared to go to the party now. #scaredaf 

Can we bob candies instead of apples? #prettyplease 

One of my useless talents be apple bobbing! #oneofthem 

An apple bobber for life! #forlife 

Such dedication for apple bobbing! #suchdedication 

With such care and precision. You would become a President if you studied so! #ibet 

My little sister beat me in apple bobbing! #sheisgoingtohell 

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