120+ Table Tennis Captions for Instagram to Make Your Own

This is a well-known game that people love to play and have fun. This day was celebrated on the 6th of April in 2015 for the first time. This game is closely related to ping pong game and it was a very popular parlor game in Victorian England.

Table Tennis Captions for Instagram

-As a fan of table tennis, we are grateful that we get to celebrate this day – the world table tennis day. #grateful

-Play sports and stay healthy – celebrate world table tennis day and have fun. #fun

-Those who want to play a fun game – table tennis is their game. 

-Every time when people ask me what’s your favorite sports? -  I answer table tennis. 

-Make table tennis your favorite sports and stay happy. #happy

-If table tennis is your favorite sports then celebrate the world table tennis day. #favorite

-Sports are good for your health – play table tennis and have fun. 

-If you want to play a healthy game then table tennis is the right game for you. 

-Table tennis – the game you will find everywhere – the game you will love to play. #play

-Celebrate the world table tennis day – celebrate the joy of sports. #joy

-The best stress relieving sports is table tennis. 

-Make friends – play table tennis – celebrate world table tennis day. 

-If you want to stay fit and active then play sports – play table tennis. #active

-Play table tennis with your friends – make memories. #memories

-Do you know table tennis can take care of your mental health by helping you to relieve your stress – start playing table and celebrate world table tennis day.

-A sport that can take care of both mental and physical health – table tennis. #sport

-Play a sports like table tennis – it teaches to you hang in there and don’t give up. #hang

-If you don’t have a friend then play table tennis – you will be automatically able to make friends. 

-Table tennis teaches you to work hard and achieve your goal. 

-If you see your competitors as your enemy then table tennis is not your game. #enemy

-Turn a stranger into your friend – play table tennis with him. #stranger

-If you can’t work hard then you can’t play table tennis. 

-Vent your frustration out on that ping pong ball not on humans – play table tennis. 

-You don’t want to go outdoors but still want to sweat while playing sports? – then table tennis is your game. #indoor

-The best indoor game anyone can ever imagine – table tennis. #best

-Hit your worries like the ping pong ball – play table tennis on this world table tennis day.

-Make table tennis your hobby – live a stress free life. 

-Play more – live more – have a happy world table tennis day. #happy

-Happiness will not come to you without your effort – you have to play table tennis to get the happiness. #play

-Everyone should play table tennis to relieve their stress and to have some fun. #fun

-Play table tennis – live happily. 

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