221+ Catchy Rake captions for Instagram to Make Your Own

It is in autumn when the leaves start falling from the trees. At this time, it will be a good idea to get hold of the rake and scrape those annoying leaves. This will help to safeguard your lawn effectively, and everything will look cleaner as well. Here is a list of some interesting rake captions for you.

Rake captions for Instagram

It is autumn, and the leaves require raking. #raking

Raking leaves provide me with happiness. #happiness

The sight of fallen leaves makes me sad. #sight

Don’t fall like a leaf in autumn! #fallleaf

My life is like a dewdrop on a leaf. #dewdrop 

Have faith in a fallen leaf. #havefaith

You will need much to love a leaf. #loveleaf

Raking leaves is a part of my daily routine. #routine

Don’t walk on the fallen leaves and crush them! #walkcrush

Don’t crush the fallen leaves with your feet. #crush

A tree loses grandeur while raking leaves. #grandeur

It is similar to raking leaves in the open. #leaves

It’s good to open a new leaf in life. #openlife 

You need to rake the leaves in autumn. #rakeleaves

Get the rake and clean the leaves. #rakeclean

Every fallen leaf provides a message. #message

I cannot beleaf that the leaf has fallen. #beleaf

During autumn, every leaf is a flower. #flower

You get a message from every fallen leaf. #messageleaf

A fallen leaf is just like human life. #humanlife

A fallen leaf looks really amazing. #amazing

I cannot survive without raking! #survive

Praise God and love the fallen leaves! #praisegod

I love the sound of a falling leaf. #soundleaf

Rake leaves to your heart’s content. #content

Autumn – the season for fallen leaves! #autumnseason

It can be compared to raking leaves. #rakingleaves

Dreaming about raking leaves. #dreaming

My job is to rake leaves. #job

Leaf me alone! #alone

Make your life better than a fallen leaf! #betterlife

Making life better than a fallen leaf! #betterlife

I love to rake leaves in autumn. #rakeleaves

Love every fallen leaf on the garden floor. #gardenfloor

Leaves are going to fall in autumn. #fallautumn

Turn over a new leaf and start a new life. #newleaf

Turn over a new leaf and feel the difference. #feeldifference

The leaf is too tired to hold on. #holdon

The leaves must be raked in the fall. #mustrake

Leaves must fall in autumn. #fallautumn

Autumn is the time of fallen leaves. #autumntime

A leaf cannot hold on for long. #holdon

Our nation has turned a new leaf. #newleaf

Rake the fallen autumn leaves! #rakeleaves

One day you have to be like a fallen leaf. #fallenleaf

One day a leaf has to loosen its grip. #losegrip

Losing the grip like a falling leaf. #losegrip

It is your duty to rake leaves. #duty

The shaking of a leaf is simply awesome. #simplyawesome

Admiring the task of raking leaves! #taskrake

Birth, life, and death happen on a leaf’s hidden side. #hiddenside

Rake the leaves as much as you can. #rakeleaves

Serve God by raking leaves! #serve

Falling like a leaf in autumn! #autumn

Autumn is the time for fallen leaves. #autumntime

The time for fallen leaves has arrived. #time

It’s just like a fallen leaf! #justlikeleaf

Be a bird and love a fallen leaf. #birdlove

Love a leaf, just like a bird. #lovebird

Invest some time raking leaves. #investtime

Raking is the best thing to do in autumn! #bestthing

One day life will end like a fallen leaf. #lifeend

Every day, turn over a new leaf. #newleaf

Like to praise the fallen leaves. #praise

A leaf falls, and another is born. #leafborn

Better fall like a leaf than live forever! #falllikeleaf

Resist the temptation of falling like a leaf. #temptation

Nothing seems to be better than a fallen leaf! #better

A fallen leaf means the birth of the new leaf. #newleaf

Rake a fallen leaf and serve God! #servegod

The fall of a leaf denotes the birth of a new one. #birthnew

Preventing a leaf from falling! #preventfall

A leaf has to fall one day. #fallday

Turning over a new leaf every day. #turnover

The sight of leaves falling is unbearable. #sight

Making life easy like a fallen leaf! #easylife

The fallen leaves remind me of autumn. #remindme

We will all experience death like a fallen leaf. #experience

Slowly all the leaves will fall in autumn. #slowfall

Rake as much as you like. #youlike

We need to leaf through our lives. #lives

I am like a leaf in the vast ocean of knowledge. #knowledge

Know the life of a fallen leaf. #knowlife

One day we will all die like a fallen leaf. #dieleaf

The garden floor is strewn with fallen leaves. #fallenleaves

Death is inevitable, just like a fallen leaf. #inevitable

Funny Rake captions

The fallen leaves comfort me. #comfort

Relax like a fallen leaf on the garden floor. #relaxleaf

I cannot bear the sight of fallen leaves. #bearsight

Each falling leaf bears lots of pain. #bearpain

Don’t hesitate to rake fallen leaves. #hesitate

Every fallen leaf is a blessing. #blessing

So many leaves fall in autumn! #manyleaves

Rake leaves and make the yard clean. #cleanyard

There is pain in every falling leaf. #pain

I love to rake leaves in autumn. #rakeautumn

A fallen leaf is the blessing of God. #blessing

Looking at fallen leaves makes me sad. #sad

Be as humble as a fallen leaf! #humbleleaf

A fallen leaf teaches us many things. #teaches

Take your time and rake the leaves! #taketime

A fallen leaf has failed to survive! #survive

Clean the garden floor by raking leaves. #cleanfloor

My love for raking leaves is unfathomable. #unfathomable

Marijuana is a leaf and not a drug. #marijuana

A fallen leaf is a blessed one. #blessed

We can learn many things from a fallen leaf. #learnthings

A fallen leaf has no life! #nolife

I turn over a new leaf every day. #newleaf

The sound of a falling leaf fascinates me. #soundleaf

All leaves are flowers during autumn. #flowers

The bright color of the fallen leaves is awesome. #brightcolor

Dreaming about raking leaves in the fall. @deaming

My job is to rake leaves. #rakeleaves

Our life is just like a fallen leaf. #life

Like a fallen leaf in autumn! #autumn

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