220+ Catchy Foliage Captions for Instagram to Make Your Own

Fall color changing throughout and leaves falling from the trees and paving our pathway colorful! Do not forget to take quick snaps to be able to post on social media, and if you are put of captions, we are here to support you! Go through these ‘foliage’ captions and use your best! 

Foliage Captions for Instagram

Be-leaf in Autumn! #notbelieve 

Autumn is here! Unbe-leave-able! #unlikeunbelievable 

The first breeze of Autumn is here, guys! The leaves are falling! #leavesarefalling 

Fall foliage is the color I love the most. #fallfoliage 

Fall in full swing! #infullswing 

There’s something electric in the air. #whatisthat  

Foliage tells you that it’s a fresh beginning, a new start to restart your life. #afreshstart 

Keep calm and keep celebrating Autumn! #celebrate 

There are so many photo opportunities! #donotmiss 

Fall activities call for clicking pictures first. #clickthemfirst 

Stand out among the rest! #standout 

A lovely picture in front of lovely foliage! #lovely 

Fall-ing in love! #falling

It’s unbe-leave-able, how much you can love a person! #unbeleaveble 

Take me under the falling leaves. #fallingleaves 

Autumns call for pictures, and fruits and foliage coloured everything! #autumncalls 

Stop the cutting! #stop 

Foliage tells me that the trees have done it wrong, and they wanna start over again! #eventreesdo 

You only apply to pie! #applepie 

Even trees start over! Why can’t we? #whycantwe 

Apple pies and leaves falling. #leavesfalling 

Autumn spicing up our romantic life! #romance 

Romance is the only spice of life, and Autumn helps me with it! #onlyspice 

Keep calm and keep falling! #keepfalling 

Ned a date this Autumn! #doyouwanttobe

Autumn can be our biggest wingman! It brings out good weather only for us! #biggestwingman 

Fall leaves falling with the hope of growing again. #hoping 

Do leaves have re-births as well? #letmethink 

Painting the color of Autumn. #painting 

Autumn has painted color, and it can’t get better. #cantpossibly 

There’s something with Autumn. All the clouds, breeze, the sun, the moon, the seas, and the mountains co-ordinate to give us an amazing time on earth! #whatabeauty 

What’s your favorite season? #autumn 

Hay, fall! #hay 

A walk down the memory lane when Autumn started way back by September end and stayed until October. #walkdownthelane 

Autumn spicing our life up. #spicing 

Pumpkin spice and everything nice. #everythingnice 

Apple orchards and pumpkin patches. #pumpkinpatches 

Autumn breeze and fall foliage. #fallfoliage 

Halloween marks the beginning of a short-lived, but hell-a-lived Autumn! #hellyeah 

How can you not fall for fall? #whyshouldi 

Falling for fall always! #always 

A fall person. #forever 

It’s all over if you hate Autumn. #byebye 

How can you not like Autumn? #explain 

I hate Autumn. Said no one ever. #nobodyever 

Tea, apple muffins, and cool breezes. #nice 

Bonfire by the beach. #bythebeach 

Party time all October time! #partytime 

Autumn is calling. #calling 

It’s time to bring out the winter clothes! #winterclothes 

Winter is coming! #gotisnot 

Sweater weather is fun than sweating in the summers. #sweaterweather 

Harvest wishes. #goodwishes 

The best one of the lot. #bestone 

Life is better in Autumn, and the extreme winters kill me off. #extreme 

Keep calm as fall is here! #fallishere 

Tell me a pun with Autumn. #apunwith 

Where’s the pun? #where 

Foliage should be drawn and kept in museums! #shouldbedrawn 

Do people come in to view foliage? I think I would. #ialreadydo  

When the trees prepare a masterpiece, we should frame it. #masterpiece 

Call me a leaf thief! #leafthief 

I have only pies and leaves for you. #only 

Autumn leaves have the best color. #bestcolour 

Leaves changing colors and falling as the cloud and the skies put up a color show! #colourshow

Never too old to play with leaves and scratching onto the foliage. #nevertooold 

Leaf me alone. #leavemealone 

How can you not like foliage! #ilike 

And who are you? The leaf-police? #leafpolice 

I am a leaf thief! #leafthief 

There’s a certain joy in playing with autumn leaves and foliage. #certainjoy 

What lovely foliage! #lovely 

I only have foliage for you. #only 

Crunchy leaves and full of foliage! #crunchy 

Hay! The football season is here! #footballseason 

Running on coffee and the autumn breeze. #autumnbreezes 

I can stare at the foliage for hours and still not bat an eye! #stareatit 

If only money grew on trees, and in the fall, they fell down! #allfelldown 

And all fell down! #haha 

They’d foliage. #alldo 

Aww-tumn! #aww

The cutest season is here! #aww

Funny Foliage Captions

What does a leaf say to another if it is in love? I am falling for you. #haha 

Autumn Sundays are for rugby and beers! #autumnsundays 

Cheers to our best season! #cheers 

Foliage flies. They don’t fall. #flyhigh 

Fly high, soar high. #veryhigh 

Keep calm and keep staring at the foliage! #keepstaring 

Glad to live in a world of Octobers, when leaves foliage! #octobers 

The colors of nature are mesmerizing! #mesmerizing 

My kind-a afternoon only exists in the autumns. #onlyexists 

At a point during the afternoon when the time is quiet and mellow, you can hear the breeze flowing in through the porch. #soundflies 

What a great vision! #greatvision 

Autumns help me not to wear glasses. #wearglasses 

What a shame it must be to watch the leaves and foliage falling through glasses. #noglasses 

Take off your glasses and breath in the freshness of the weather! #takethemoff 

Breathe through your eyes. #haha 

Gasping at the bewitching Autumn picturesque! #bewitching 

Autumn bliss. #bliss 

Blessed by God’s own fruit! #blessed 

It’s a new dawn. #nwdawn 

With Autumn, have a new beginning. #newbeginning 

The month will end, and the season will change, but I shall gaze on forever! #gazeforever 

Flowers in Autumn is such a rare sight! #raresights 

I thought leaves brought Autumn and flowers brought Spring. #leavesandflowers 

The final showdown! #final 

Never too old to enjoy the foliage and the autumn weather. #foliage 

Autumn calls in for some rum and whiskies. #rumandwhiskies 

The magic season that makes leaves fall and grows them back again! #magicseason 

What a weird season! But the best! #weirdseason 

Spring or Autumn? #autumnitis 

Leaves growing old to foliage and coloring my soul with eternal peace. #peace 

Autumn breeze is music to me. #music 

Music is always buzzing in during the season! #season 

‘Tis the party weather by the bonfire with yo cousins! #timetoparty 

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