List of 22+ Best Compaq Brand Slogans

Compaq, forming out of two words compatibility and quality was incorporated in 1982 selling computers, accessories, and services.

One of the first IBM PC compatible computers were produced by them. Since 2013 the brand has been acquired by HP but brand Compaq is still active outside the USA.


Compaq Brand Slogans

Inspiration Technology

Has it changed your life it

We run even faster since we have lost a few pounds

Anything it wants

Compaq Brand Slogans

Anything you want it to be

Hard to best

Thanks for the memory

Think of it as a buffet for the power hungry

Portability without the penalties

This gives you the highest performance personal computers

When we created our new proliant server pack, we were inspired by the perfect design

The world’s highest performing personal computers are made in Houston

Best Compaq Brand Slogans

What do you cut out when you cut out the middleman

Introducing the two most powerful PCs on earth and off!

All in one

How COMPAQ put speed power features in a desktop computer

Fast, not half fast

Compaq makes high performance everybody’s business

Compaq presents a one year comprehensive insurance

The soul of the new machine

Slogans of Compaq Brand

And the 4th day God said “ I am done”

Can’t get enough of me


Overhead power distribution network

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