List of 28+ Best Marlboro Brand Slogans

Marlboro is a brand of cigarettes owned by Phillip Morris both in domestic and international markets. Launched exactly 100 years ago in the USA, Marlboro has been one of the most popular cigarette brands which have been internationally acclaimed.

Marlboro has been a consistent ad spender throughout its journey.

Marlboro Brand Slogans

Mild as May 

Come to where the flavor is

Come to Marlboro country

You get a lot to like with a Marlboro

You decide

Ivory tips protect the lips

You get a lot to like

The filtered cigarette with unfiltered taste

More to like than ever

See how delightfully different Marlboro’s truly choice tobaccos taste

If you think flavour went out when filters came in —- try Marlboro

Make yourself comfortable – have a Marlboro

Where there is a man there is Marlboro

Just one question mom ? can you afford not to smoke a Marlboro?

Gee Mommy, sure you enjoy your Marlboro

Before you scold me Moommy light up a Marlboro

My dad would never smoke anything but a Marlboro

The filter doesn’t get between you and the flavour

I will be my own boss

The secret is in the Marlboro recipe

More than just a cigarette

—- with a filter that delivers smoke of surprising mildness

Everything for the boys

You get a lot to like with a Marlboro

There’s a man’s world of flavour in Marlboro

Forever forward

—- nobody can make a better cigarette

What a man and what a Marlboro

There are two constants in life food and sex. Marlboro great after both

Your finest choice

Better “makins”

Why don’t you settle back and have a full flavoured smoke

Now more to like than ever

RED is here

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